Our Story

Our Story
First Baptist Church traces its humble beginnings back to 1859 when early Whitesboro Baptists gathered to worship in a log cabin school on North Union Street. The earliest recorded church roll is from 1889 and listed 85 members. The congregation formally adopted the name “First Baptist Church of Whitesboro, Texas” in 1906.
From those early, faithful members God has blessed our family with a rich heritage of faith, perseverance, and dedication. The church continues to grow as we continue to serve our community in the name of Jesus. We are deeply grateful to our predecessors who have established such a wonderful and safe place for us to gather to worship, fellowship, evangelize, disciple and minister to those in need.
Great days lie ahead. Just as we honor the past, we also embrace the future. There is a real sense that God has not completed his work through the members of First Baptist Family yet. There is an ever-growing awareness of the needs of those around us both here at home and abroad who need to hear the good news of Jesus’ offer of forgiveness and eternal life.