Upcoming Missions
2024 Mission Trip to San Marcos June 2-7
Ministries Descriptions
Benevolence Fund
- The Benevolence Fund is used to support members of the church and those in the local community who are in need.
- Kevin and Kate Burnett are Southern Baptists serving as missionaries in Nigeria with SIM USA. With a goal of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known, SIM has more than 4,000 workers from 65 different nations serving on six continents across the world. SIM workers respond to needs, proclaim the gospel, and equip the Church. Kevin and Kate take the Good News to unreached peoples through software and physical therapy.
True Options Pregnancy Center
- Women with unexpected pregnancies meet with experienced and understanding pregnancy decision advocates where they get answers to their questions and more. True Options provides information and resources to help individuals make informed decisions. True Option’s confidential, cost-free services include: pregnancy tests, ultrasound (onsite), abortion information, adoption information, STD/STI testing and treatment, community referrals, parenting education, infant supplies, and support for fathers. True Options Pregnancy Center does not perform or refer for abortions.
Write-Way Prison Ministry
- Write-Way Prison Ministries mission is to introduce Jesus Christ to each incarcerated person in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and New Mexico through a curriculum of English and Spanish Bible correspondence courses that are free, postpaid, and volunteer counseled.
Your Neighbor’s House
Your Neighbors House – Home | Facebook
- Your Neighbor’s House community food pantry provides food and services to our neighbors in need and leads the community in the fight to end hunger. Serving western Grayson County, Your Neighbor’s House sells donated items through their resale shop and uses the funds to purchase items for their food pantry.
Teec Nos Pos Mission
- The Teec Nos Pos Chapter is part of the Navajo Nation that resides in the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. FBC Whitesboro’s support helps fund the salary for the mission pastor and supplements the payment for LP gas, used for heating.
Grayson Baptist Student Ministry
Baptist Student Ministry | Grayson College | United States (graysonbsm.com)
- The Baptist Student Ministry is a college student organization that strives to exalt Jesus Christ as Lord and lead students into a life changing relationship with Him. Working through our WMU, FBC Whitesboro supports the Grayson Baptist Student Ministry by annually providing a lunch to college students during the fall semester.
Texas Baptist Home for Children
Home – TBHC Foster Care and Adoption
- Texas Baptist Home for Children is a Christ-centered foster care and adoption agency that cares for hundreds of children in need of healing. BTHC’s mission is to protect the sanctity of human life and promote the preservation of the family. BTHC partners with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.
Family Promise of Grayson County
Family Promise of Grayson County | Home (familypromisegrayson.org)
- Family Promise works to transform the lives of families experiencing homelessness. In Grayson County, Family Promise provides a community based solution that incorporates community outreach and mission opportunities at the congregational level. FBC Whitesboro hosts families each quarter by providing meals and a place to sleep.
Mission: Dignity
- Mission: Dignity® honors retirement-age Southern Baptist ministers, workers, and widows struggling to meet basic needs. Many served small, rural churches that paid only modest salaries and couldn’t afford to contribute to their pastor’s retirement. These men and women have faithfully served God’s people and now find themselves struggling to meet even basic needs. Through these gifts, recipients can buy groceries, pay a utility bill, or get prescriptions and medical care.
FBC Annual Mission Trip
FBC Fall Festival
FBC Student Mission Trip
Fill a Baby Bottle Campaign for True Options Pregnancy Center
- Special offering to support True Options ministry services. True Options Pregnancy Center does not perform or refer for abortions. True Options Pregnancy Center is located in Sherman, Texas.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child | Shoebox Outreach of Samaritan’s Purse (samaritanspurse.org)
- The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. Shoebox gifts are collected in November.
Lottie Moon Offering (IMB)
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering – IMB Generosity
- The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is an annual offering collected by Southern Baptists to support international missions. The offering was officially named in 1918 by Woman’s Missionary Union in honor of the missionary to China who urged churches to start it and give sacrificially. One hundred percent of gifts go directly to missionaries on the field.
Annie Armstrong Offering (NAMB)
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 2021 – NAMB
- The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way Southern Baptists support mission efforts in North America. In 1931, the offering was named in honor of the first leader of the Woman’s Missionary Union. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO are used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving across the United States and Canada.
Reach Texas Offering (Texas)
Reach Texas Missions Offering – Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (sbtexas.com)
- The Reach Texas Offering is the annual state missions ministry offering of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention. One hundred percent of gifts is spent on Missions & Evangelism Ministries / Strategies (Disaster Relief, Church Planting, Evangelism and Missions).